Whether you are an artist, filmmaker, gallery or brand, you can collaborate with Artists at Large. Work with us get the word out, and to create more films that shine a light on emerging artists.
For Organizations and brands
Artists at Large presents a unique opportunity for organizations and brands to collaborate on the creation of new films on emerging artists and giving back to the community.
Our audience is educated and especially focused on the creative scene. By associating with these short documentary films, there is an opportunity for brands to reach out to this audience and build respect for the brand name.
Brands and organizations may sponsor specific films, or artists from a specific city, or even a specific art form. They may sponsor in part, in whole as a title sponsor, or a set of three episodes as a title sponsor.
Manufacturers may collaborate by allowing the use of filming equipment during production. And media organizations can help to distribute the Artists at Large films, through articles and blog posts. This ultimately leads to new films and increased exposure for more emerging artists.
Artists at Large will maintain artist selection and creative independence in any sponsored production. We do not do product placement or any overt advertising in films that may compromise our goals of an artist-focused film.
Please contact us to learn about the sponsorship options and the cost to produce a typical short documentary film.
For Galleries
Our whole concept is to promote artists and their work, especially through the medium of film. Our short films stand on their own, but more importantly complement the body of work of the artist.
With these films, we intend to portray the backstory of the artist; their motivation, process, struggle, and lessons for a new breed of other emerging artists. Film is a portable and accessible format. It allows for mass exposure, and introduces the viewer to the artists work, without having to be onsite at the gallery. More importantly, it builds emotion around the artist, because we depict the personality behind the artwork. These films build personal connections with the artists–they create new fans, which leads to even more exposure, and ultimately more sales.
While artist selection is solely at the discretion of Artists at Large, we do accept nominations of artists from galleries. In addition, a gallery may support the film financially and/or with distribution, if the artist is selected. In case of financial support, the film and associated promotional material will clearly state the sponsors.
Creating high-quality films is a team effort that requires specialized skills. While On the Yacht Films handles end-to-end production and coordination, we welcome other filmmakers to collaborate on Artists at Large films in any capacity.
In fact, having other filmmakers direct or otherwise contribute on different films can bring a variation of style which will keep the series vibrant and interesting.
We’re always looking for sound engineers, DOPs, colorists, and directors to contribute their time and thought-capital to Artists at Large films.
And for filmmakers, this is an excellent way to be part of a non-profit effort to promote artists, and give back to their communities.
For Artists
There is no set criteria for artist selection, but we do look at the type of artwork, production process, impact to local community, social following, and most importantly the back-story of the artist. Remember, our goal is to inspire viewers and other emerging artists, so those stories where artists have overcome challenges, hardships, or use a unique/complex process to create their work, can be especially engaging to watch.
Nevertheless, you may send us a brief write-up about who you are with a link to your website and/or your instagram feed. Please keep in mind that due to the enormous number of submissions we cannot respond individually, unless we have chosen to move forward on a film, and we have secured the funding.
We select artists and plan for the next six films in advance.